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Bart Casey is a writer living in Northampton, Massachusetts. His passion is uncovering great stories from forgotten history.


Now Bart is working on a book based on his article The Jab in the Summer 2021 issue of The Hudson Review. It tells how Turkish bathers, independent-minded women, royal doctors, colonial Bostonians, and African slaves combined into the unlikely but persevering cast of characters who pushed the medical establishment towards the miracle defenses we are able to deploy against infectious disease today. Coming in 2025.


His latest thriller novel, The Vavasour Macbeth, is available in print, audiobook, and ebook editions.  Blending fiction with little-known facts and academics in an easy style, the story serves up an intoxicating brew of ancient history and modern danger as papers found in an Elizabethan tomb shed new light on Shakespeare and his masterpiece Macbeth.


Forgotten stories are also at the heart of Bart's recent non-fiction books, Anne Vavasour and Sir Henry Lee (ebook 2019), Wonder Seekers of Fountaingrove (2018: co-authored with Gaye LeBaron), and The Double Life of Laurence Oliphant (2015-6), selected for Best Books of 2016 by Kirkus Reviews.  

Many of Bart’s interests were shaped by growing up in England, majoring in English literature at Harvard, and studying at the University of Vermont for a teaching career before abandoning academia for a career in international advertising and writing.  

You can reach Bart with the Contact Form on this site, or by e-mail directly to bart@bartcasey.com